Focus on the Family asked us to create a documentary for the 50th anniversary of the passing of literary legend C.S. Lewis along with a behind the scenes video of their recording of an audiobook. We gathered stories from the author’s friends, family and fellow like-minded academic enthusiasts, to tell the little known story of how C. S. Lewis came to write the book Mere Christianity and became a voice of hope to a nation at war.
Mere Christianity, one of the greatest Christian books of the twentieth century, was created as a series of radio broadcasts in a time of great conflict and adversity. England had gone to war with Germany. It was a time of strain, heartbreak, and weariness. The leaders at the BBC knew the nation needed a moral underpinning to face the crisis and embarked on an aggressive program to provide it. So they commissioned some of the greatest Christian minds to step up. C.S. Lewis agreed to help, resulting in the now-famous Broadcast Talks that became Mere Christianity.