We’ve been on a few trips with MTI now, and always feel privileged to help tell powerful individual stories, especially where positive change has followed times of hardship.
Janet’s Story
Filming a live birth took this into new territory for us. Hearing the story of Janet and her husband and capturing their joy at being handed their baby was unforgettable. Filming in Uganda we were able to honour this powerful personal story whilst showcasing MTIs work, and their ethos of empowering locals to fill in gaps in essential care. This was fundraising film and edit piece.
Shaza’s Story
The humanitarian crisis in refugee camps is well known, but it is still hard to imagine the millions of people who have lost hope for themselves and their families. We caught a glimpse through the story of Shaza, a once-terrified girl who has become a confident young lady, serving her community through MTI. She is restoring hope to others by letting them know they are loved, remembered and that their lives matter. Shaza’s story highlights the work of local refugees who volunteer for MTI in Lebanon.